What exactly do you do with my info, anyway?
We understand the importance of protecting the privacy of our customers and have drafted this privacy policy to share with you what we collect, how it is used, and what scenarios may exist in which we may be forced to provide this data to law enforcement.
Last Updated: 10/25/2021 (Removed mentions of INCOG.HOST as we have been operating as IncogNET LLC since April of 2021, added additional clarification to existing policies. No change in policies.)
Privacy Policy
When you sign up for services, we need to collect and store the following information:
- An email address.
We do not require email verification and you are free to use any number of anonymous email services, mail relays, etc. We do not discriminate against email providers. Email is how we will reach you as needed for Support / Billing / Other service related notices and it is used as your username to login to your client portal.
Username & Login Access
Your username that is used to login to the control panel to manage your service(s) with us. You need this to login to the control panel for your chosen service (Shared hosting, VPS hosting or your customer portal).
- For shared hosting, we generate a random username for you to use to access your shared hosting control panel.
- For VPS hosting, access to your VPS management panel is your email ID that you use to access our client portal. Due to limitations of the 3rd party VPS management panel software we use, this can not be randomized.
- For our client / portal area, it is the email address you used when you registered and ordered services.
Payment records / Payment Processors
Transaction IDs are kept as proof of payment which allows us to verify that a service was actually paid for, for billing related troubleshooting, and for billing auditing. It’d be an accounting nightmare if we were unable to account for funds received. WE DO NOT STORE CREDIT / DEBIT CARD NUMBERS
All credit card payments are processed either through Stripe or PayPal, whichever you choose. With Stripe, you enter your details on our site but personal card information goes directly to Stripe. You may also save cards for quicker checkout and payment in the future, though your information is not stored with us directly and instead with Stripe and only accessible for your use with us through the Stripe API. With PayPal, you are redirected to their website to pay your invoice where you can select to pay it from your PayPal balance or any card you may have on file with them. [ View Stripe's Privacy Policy | View PayPal's Privacy Policy ]
We also accept crypto currencies through our in-house processor, IncogPay which runs the open sourced BTCPayServer software.
Disclosure to Law Enforcement.
If presented with a legal order to reveal any of the above information to law enforcement, we will have no choice but to comply. However, we can not share what we do not know.
We allow our website and key areas to be available through various methods, never blocking VPN traffic or Tor-Exits, and allow you to practice good op-sec to protect your anonymity by using throwaway or anonymous, non-verified email accounts and by allowing you to register and order services using an alias. We will not, as a company or individuals, put ourselves in legal risk by refusing to comply with lawful orders. We give you the tools to remain anonymous and it is your choice to use them. If ordered to do so, we must comply regardless of how we personally feel about it or no matter how useless the information requested may be.
Marketing Information
We will never sell or use your information for marketing purposes, unless the marketing purpose is simply us making a broad, general statement such as, “Proudly hosting X-number of sites on our network” or “IncogNET provides services to over X-number of customers” which would be used in promotional materials / company bragging rights. None of this identifies you specifically as a customer and would only used to showcase the scale of our business. We will never reveal publicly that any customer is using our services (Ex: We will never say, “some-random-site.com is hosted by IncogNET!”) If you are happy with our services, we hope that you will tell others about us. We will never do that for you. We will never contact you via your supplied point of contact for anything unrelated to your account or service with us.
Right To Be Forgotten
We believe in your right to be forgotten. If you cancel your service(s) with us, we will remove any record of your account from our customer portal and servers. This task is not done automatically, and is usually done quarterly as part of a housekeeping effort on our end. If you cancel your service feel free to message us afterwards if you wish for a more immediate termination of your account.
Cookie Policy
Cookies are used on our website for our customer portal (https://portal.incognet.io) as well as on the control panels for the services we offer (links to these vary depending on service and server the service is provisioned on). These save temporary shopping cart information, your active logged in session and some personal preferences set by you.
Commercial 3rd Party Software Used
The 3rd party commercial software we use to power our website, services or to provide control panel access to your services are:
- WHMCS - This powers our billing / support / client portal. This handles automation, customer billing, support ticketing, etc.
- CloudLinux OS - A commercial Linux based Operating System that is used by many web hosting providers.
- DirectAdmin - This is the control panel that we use for our Shared Hosting platform.
- Virtualizor - This is the control panel that we use for our VPS Hosting platform.
IncogNET Staff
All staff, contractors, or 3rd party help involved with IncogNET LLC or any related brands / businesses have signed Non-Disclosure Agreements and are strictly prohibited from sharing any information with any 3rd party relating to our business, our customers, our infrastructure or network for any reason unless required to by law. (See "Disclosure To Law Enforcement").
Access to areas of our operation that contain any of the information shown in this Privacy Policy is compartmentalized and only available to those who require access for regular duty of their job.
Have a question or concern?
Contact us. We're pretty laid back and more open than most hosting providers, but if you have a question about our privacy policy or wish to have us supply what information we have about you feel free to contact us!
© 2020 - 2025 IncogNET LLC – A Internet Speech & Privacy Brand – All Rights Reserved |